
发布日期: 2014-01-07  责任编辑: 翻译  文章来源: 中国外文局教育培训中心


1既不走封闭僵化的老路、也不走改旗易帜的邪路 可译为rejected both the old and rigid closed-door policy and any attempt to abandon socialism and take an erroneous path由于汉语高度依赖语境,因此在语境明确的情况下经常省略很多词语,这里的 封闭僵化改旗易帜提出后其它有关具体内容可以根据语境理解,文字全部省略。但英语不像汉语那样高度依赖语境,所以应对其作具体解释。



1现在,我代表第17届中央委员会向大会作报告。译文一是“I now wish to deliver the following report to … on behalf of …” 译文二是Comrades, please allow me to make the following report …”相比而言,译文二更加正式,更符合会议发言的严肃风格。


2回答了建设什么样的社会主义的根本问题。这句可译为“It has addressed/answered the fundamental issue of what kind of socialism to build.”此处涉及回答……问题的具体处理:我们通常会想到answer the question of… ,而且这种说法也没有问题,但是不同的措辞有不同的文体价值。answer the question of … 是一般性生活用语,不够正式,而address … the issue 是正式文体语言,常用于法庭辩论,如the defendant has addressed the Issue No. (number)…..,显得十分严肃,因此用在这里就更为合适。



1.  绝不照搬西方政治制度模式。

However, we will never copy a Western political system.

never copy any Western …(语气更强)


2. 坚持实干富民、实干兴邦,敢于开拓,勇于担当

We should endeavor to bring prosperity to the people and promote national renewal, be eager to blaze new trails and live up to our responsibility

do solid work …, have the courage to shoulder responsibilities…(表达更加充分)


3. 大家很敬业、很专业、很辛苦。在此,我代表18大大会秘书处向你们表示衷心的感谢。

On behalf of ... I wish to express our sincere thanks to you for your professionalism, dedication and hard work.

You’ve been very dedicated, professional and hard-working. On behalf of ... I’d like to express heartfelt appreciation to you all.(重点更加突出)


4. 战胜一系列重大挑战

successfully mettackled major challenges

(不翻译一系列是中英文在单复数表达上的差异有关:汉语没有复数词形变化,所以用一系列表示,英语加一个复数变化 s 就可以了,没有必要一定用a series of a chain of.









1.         要给权力涂上防腐剂,套上紧箍咒The power should be covered with antiseptic (not preservative) and be kept in a straitjacket.

2.         喊破嗓子不如甩开膀子 Getting things done is more important than shouting / Don't just shout, roll up sleeves and get things done!

3.         鞋子合不合脚,自己穿着才知道 Only one who wears his own shoes knows whether they fit.

4.         治大国如烹小鲜 Governing a big country is as delicate as frying a small fish.

5.         空谈误国,实干兴邦 Empty talk is harmful to the nation, while doing practical work will make it thrive.

6.         保持战略定力 maintain strategic focus /confidence/composure; keep to our strategic goals

7.         反腐败要老虎、苍蝇一起打 In fighting corruption, we should go after both tigers and flies, that is, both the high and low-ranking officials who have benefited from graft.

8.         敢于担当 One should face up to his responsibility.

9.         打铁还需自身硬 The iron itself must be hard to be hammered into a tool.

10.     物必先腐,而后虫生。Worms can only grow in something that is already rotten.

11.     聚合推进改革的正能量 build positive energy to promote reform

12.     中国共产党要容得下尖锐的批评。The Communist Party of China should be open/receptive/responsive to (not tolerate or put up with) sharp criticism.

13.     改革开放没有完成时,只有进行时。Reform and opening up are a dynamic /ongoing process that will not stop. (类似句型:中非关系发展没有完成时,只有进行时。)

14.     踏石留印,抓铁有痕。Step onto the stone and leave your footprint on it; clutch a piece of iron and leave your handprint on it. This means one should work in a down-to-earth way and achieve tangible results.

15.     领导者要有如履薄冰,如临深渊的自觉。A leader should exercise his responsibility with utmost care as if he were walking on thin ice or standing on the edge of an abyss.

16.     以民之所望为施政所向。We should follow people’s wishes in exercising governance.

17.     不是说政府有错位的问题吗?那就把错装在政府身上的手换成市场的手。When the government takes on a misplaced role, we should return  the hand misplaced on the government to the market.

18.     这是削权,会很痛,甚至有割腕的感觉, 但是我们要有壮士割腕的决心。This means cutting one’s power, which is quite painful, like cutting one’s own arm. But we should have the resolve to do so. / It will entail real sacrifice, and this will be painful. But we are determined to make such sacrifice.

19.     打断骨头连着筋。同胞之间,手足之情,没有解不开的结。Bones may be broken, but they are still linked by sinews. The compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are siblings of the same family, and there is no knot that cannot be untied between them.

20.     冲击社会的道德和心理底线。(The disadvantaged groups) will push through the society’s moral and psychological limit.

21.     己正才能正人。Only when one is upright himself can he ask others to be upright.

22.     为官发财,应当两道。Holding government office and making money should be kept separate. You cannot have it both ways.

23.     要让人民过上好日子,政府就要过紧日子。To ensure that the people lead a good life, the government should tighten belt first. 

24.     改革进入了深水区,但再深的水我们也得蹚。In pursuing reform, we have entered uncharted waters. But we must wade through these waters no matter how deep they are. 

25.     现在触动利益往往比触及灵魂还难。Taking away some of their vested interests is more difficult than changing their way of thinking/stirring their soul.

26.     我们要打造中国经济的升级版。We need to upgrade China’s economy.

27.     要形成一种倒逼机制,来硬化企业和政府的责任。We should put in place an action forcing mechanism to make both businesses and the government live up to their responsibilities.

28.     行大道,民为本,利天下。Follow the fundamental truth(follow the Great Way), work for public good and bring benefits to all the people



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