
发布日期: 2014-01-07  责任编辑: 翻译  文章来源: 中国外文局教育培训中心



1.         开放型经济达到新水平The open economy has reached a new stage of development (a new height, 未用a new level).

2.         创新型国家建设取得新成就。We have made China more innovative(此种译法简洁)

3.         第一艘航母辽宁舰入列China’s first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning,  was commissioned.

4.       棚户区改造住房1200多万套。Over 12 million housing units in run-down areas (不用shanty towns) have been upgraded.

5.         债务负担率 debt as a share of GDP (GDP必须译出)

6.         集中精力办大事。We have pooled resources(focus our energy on…) to accomplish a number of major tasks.

7.         入园难问题有所缓解。The shortage of preschools has been eased.

8.         加强前沿探索 boost basic research in frontier areas(not cutting edge technologies)

9.         建立了城镇居民基本医疗保险制度。We have established a basic medical insurance scheme for non-working urban residents

10.     基层政府 county and township level governments (not grassroots level governments)

11.     建立宏观审慎政策框架We have established a policy framework for prudently exercising macro regulation.

12.     坚定不移扩大对外开放,全面提升开放型经济水平Continuing to open China wider to the outside world and fully improving the performance of its open economy.

13.     建设服务政府、责任政府、法治政府和廉洁政府 building a serviced-oriented, accountable (not responsible), law-based and clean government

14.     行政审批制度 system of review and approval by government bodies (system of administrative examination and approval)

15.     让人民群众更加全面了解政府工作,更加有效监督政府行为。This has made it possible for the people to  learn more about how the government functions, and thus more effectively oversee its operations.

16.     探索建立政府绩效管理制度。We have taken steps (not made explorations) to put in place a system of performance based management of government officials.

17.     行政问责制 the system of governance accountability (not administrative accountability)

18.     宗教事务管理的法制化、规范化水平进一步提升。We have conducted better law and procedure based management of religious affairs.

19.     形成两岸全方位交往格局。This has extended cross-Straits exchanges to all areas.

20.     中国的全方位外交 China’s all-round diplomacy

21.     关心和支持中国现代化建设的各国朋友 foreign friends who have given their understanding (not taken an interest in) and support to China’s modernization drive

22.     财政收入增速放缓和政府刚性支出增加的矛盾凸显The growth of government revenue is slowing down while the government’s mandatory expenditures are increasing.

23.     我们绝不辜负人民的期望和重托。We  should be worthy of people’s  trust in us and must never let them down (试比较:meet their expectation)

24.     全面贯彻落实18大的精神 fully carry out the guiding principles of the Party’s Eighteenth National Congress

25.     我国发展仍处于可以大有作为的重要战略机遇期。China remains in an important period of strategic opportunities in which much can be accomplished.

26.     世界经济复苏充满不确定性、不稳定性The recovery of the world economy is full of uncertainty and it is not yet on a stable footing(比较:full of uncertainly and instability).

27.     增强忧患意识和紧迫感。We should be mindful of adversity and have a keen sense of urgency.

28.     全面学习贯彻18大精神 gain a thorough understanding of (比较:thoroughly study) and fully implement the guiding principles of the 18th Party Congress

29.     去年价格上涨的翘尾影响约有一个百分点。The carry-over effect of the CPI increase in 2012 will contribute roughly one percentage point to this year’s CPI growth rate (中文没有,英文应译出).

30.     搞活流通 boost distribution of goods

31.     今年拟安排财政赤字1.2万元。This year we are projecting a deficit of 1.2 trillion yuan.

32.     严格控制行政经费等一般性开支 strictly limit regular expenditures (试比较:general expenditures) like administrative expenses

33.     发挥货币政策逆周期调节作用 make monetary policy play the role of counter-cyclic adjustments

34.     投资对经济增长的拉动作用更直接、见效更快。Compared with other means(中文暗含,英文应译出), investment plays a more direct role in stimulating economic growth and produces quicker results.

35.     关键在于选准方向、优化结构、提高投资的质量和效益。What should be done is to make investment in the needed sectors, balance the structure of investment, and improve its performance and returns. 

36.     控制能源消费总量 impose a cap on total energy consumption (control total energy consumption更生动)

37.     近些年是我国农业发展最快、农村变化最大、农民得到实惠最多的时期。In recent years, China’s agriculture has developed faster, its rural areas have undergone more significant changes, and its rural residents have received more tangible benefits than any other period (中文是最高级,英文用比较级).

38.     特大城市和大城市要充分发挥辐射带动作用。Mega cities and large cities should take on a full role in driving the development of their surrounding areas.

39.     适应社会保障的流动性facilitate the smooth transfer of social security accounts between localities

40.     因地制宜 tailoring measures to local conditions

41.     社会利益格局发生深刻变化。The structure of interest groups in society (not the pattern of interests in society)has undergone profound change.

42.     以更大的政治勇气和智慧深入推动改革开放Deepen reform and opening up with greater political courage and vision (better than wisdom)

43.     让权力在阳光下运行。Ensure that power is exercised in a transparent way. (未用under the sun

44.     认真落实党的侨务政策。We will assiduously (不用earnestly) implement the policy of the Party on overseas Chinese affairs.



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